Full index

Package indexes

a b c d e f g h i j l m n o p r s t u v w _
Variable $active
ATimer::$active in ATimer.php
Whether the timer is currently running
Class AApplication
AApplication in AApplication.php
Class ACalendar
ACalendar in ACalendar.php
Class AConfig
AConfig in AConfig.php
Class AConnection
AConnection in AConnection.php
Class AConnectionRegistry
AConnectionRegistry in AConnectionRegistry.php
Method add
AValidator::add() in AValidator.php
Adds a new validation rule to a filed with name/id of $key.
Method addAttribute
Enter description here...
Method addAttribute
AWidgetDecorator::addAttribute() in AWidgetDecorator.php
Enter description here...
Method addConnection
Adds a slot connection
Method addConnection
AConnectionRegistry::addConnection() in AConnectionRegistry.php
Method addIncludePath
Adds a search path to Alia's loader (to automatically load your custom widgets, etc)
Method addJavascript
AEditableText::addJavascript() in AEditableText.php
Method addJScript
AJScriptBuffer::addJScript() in AJScriptBuffer.php
Method addObject
AObjectRegistry::addObject() in AObjectRegistry.php
Adds an AObject to the index, and assigns it a unique ID
Method addPathToBeginning
adds a path to the beginning of the path list. paths in the beginning are searched first.
Method addPathToEnd
Adds a path to the end of the path list. paths added to the end are searched last.
Method addReplacement
addReplacement Adds a string replacement rule to the loader.
Method addWidget
AElementLayout::addWidget() in AElementLayout.php
Method addWidget
AGridLayout::addWidget() in AGridLayout.php
adds widgets to the layout.
Method addWidget
ASingleWidgetLayout::addWidget() in ASingleWidgetLayout.php
Method addWidget
ALayout::addWidget() in ALayout.php
Adds a child widget
Class ADraggableWidget
ADraggableWidget in ADraggableWidget.php
A widget Decorator that allows widgets to be made draggable
Class AEditableText
AEditableText in AEditableText.php
AEditableText class - a widget representing a single editable text element
Class AElementLayout
AElementLayout in AElementLayout.php
Class AGridLayout
AGridLayout in AGridLayout.php
Lays out the widgets in a grid
Class AHTMLElement
AHTMLElement in AHTMLElement.php
Abstract class for all HTML Element widgets defines attributes and signals common to most elements
Class AHTMLLayout
AHTMLLayout in AHTMLLayout.php
Class AHTMLText
AHTMLText in AHTMLText.php
Class AImage
AImage in AImage.php
class AImage
Class AIntValidatorRule
AIntValidatorRule in AIntValidatorRule.php
Class AJScript
AJScript in AJScript.php
Javascript helper
Class AJScriptBuffer
AJScriptBuffer in AJScriptBuffer.php
Javascript output buffer for Alia
Class AJScriptEncoder
AJScriptEncoder in AJScriptEncoder.php
Class ALayout
ALayout in ALayout.php
Method alert
AJScript::alert() in AJScript.php
Class Alia
Alia in Alia.php
Facade for main Alia interface.
Class ALineEdit
ALineEdit in ALineEdit.php
class ALineEdit
Class ALoader
ALoader in ALoader.php
A class/file loader for Alia
Class ALoginWidget
ALoginWidget in ALoginWidget.php
Class AObject
AObject in AObject.php
class AObject - The base class for all objects with signal/slot functionality
Class AObjectRegistry
AObjectRegistry in AObjectRegistry.php
A Singleton registry for all AObject objects
Class AParagraph
AParagraph in AParagraph.php
class AParagraph
Class APushButton
APushButton in APushButton.php
class APushButton
Class ARenderableInterface
ARenderableInterface in ARenderableInterface.php
Class ASignalDefinition
ASignalDefinition in ASignalDefinition.php
Class ASimpleLayout
ASimpleLayout in ASimpleLayout.php
Class ASingletonInterface
ASingletonInterface in ASingletonInterface.php
Class ASingleWidgetLayout
ASingleWidgetLayout in ASingleWidgetLayout.php
Class ASortableList
ASortableList in ASortableList.php
AWidget - The base class for all wi
Class AStringValidatorRule
AStringValidatorRule in AStringValidatorRule.php
Class ATableCell
ATableCell in ATableCell.php
ATableCell class - a widget representing a single cell in a table.
Class ATextEdit
ATextEdit in ATextEdit.php
class AButton
Class ATimer
ATimer in ATimer.php
Alia Javascript timer
Class AValidator
AValidator in AValidator.php
Provides easy validation of html forms and other data.
Class AValidatorRule
AValidatorRule in AValidatorRule.php
Abstract class for Validator Rules
Class AValidatorViolation
AValidatorViolation in AValidatorViolation.php
A violation of a validator rule
Class AWidget
AWidget in AWidget.php
AWidget - The base class for all wi
Class AWidgetCollection
AWidgetCollection in AWidgetCollection.php
Class AWidgetDecorator
AWidgetDecorator in AWidgetDecorator.php
An extendable widget decorator that does nothing. Extend it to create decorators that do things!
Class AWindow
AWindow in AWindow.php
Class AWindowLayout
AWindowLayout in AWindowLayout.php
Page AApplication.php
AApplication.php in AApplication.php
Page AConfig.php
AConfig.php in AConfig.php
Page AConnection.php
AConnection.php in AConnection.php
Page AConnectionRegistry.php
AConnectionRegistry.php in AConnectionRegistry.php
Page AJScript.php
AJScript.php in AJScript.php
Page AJScriptBuffer.php
AJScriptBuffer.php in AJScriptBuffer.php
Page AJScriptEncoder.php
AJScriptEncoder.php in AJScriptEncoder.php
Page ALayout.php
ALayout.php in ALayout.php
Page Alia.php
Alia.php in Alia.php
Page AliaFront.php
AliaFront.php in AliaFront.php
Page ALoader.php
ALoader.php in ALoader.php
Page AObject.php
AObject.php in AObject.php
Page AObjectRegistry.php
AObjectRegistry.php in AObjectRegistry.php
Page ARenderableInterface.php
ARenderableInterface.php in ARenderableInterface.php
Page ASignalDefinition.php
ASignalDefinition.php in ASignalDefinition.php
Page ASingletonInterface.php
ASingletonInterface.php in ASingletonInterface.php
Page ATimer.php
ATimer.php in ATimer.php
Page AValidator.php
AValidator.php in AValidator.php
Page AWidget.php
AWidget.php in AWidget.php
Page AWidgetCollection.php
AWidgetCollection.php in AWidgetCollection.php
Page AWidgetDecorator.php
AWidgetDecorator.php in AWidgetDecorator.php
Page AElementLayout.php
AElementLayout.php in AElementLayout.php
Page AGridLayout.php
AGridLayout.php in AGridLayout.php
Page AHTMLLayout.php
AHTMLLayout.php in AHTMLLayout.php
Page ASimpleLayout.php
ASimpleLayout.php in ASimpleLayout.php
Page ASingleWidgetLayout.php
ASingleWidgetLayout.php in ASingleWidgetLayout.php
Page AWindowLayout.php
AWindowLayout.php in AWindowLayout.php
Page AIntValidatorRule.php
AIntValidatorRule.php in AIntValidatorRule.php
Page AStringValidatorRule.php
AStringValidatorRule.php in AStringValidatorRule.php
Page AValidatorRule.php
AValidatorRule.php in AValidatorRule.php
Page AValidatorViolation.php
AValidatorViolation.php in AValidatorViolation.php
Page ACalendar.php
ACalendar.php in ACalendar.php
Page ADraggableWidget.php
ADraggableWidget.php in ADraggableWidget.php
Page AEditableText.php
AEditableText.php in AEditableText.php
Page AHTMLElement.php
AHTMLElement.php in AHTMLElement.php
Page AHTMLText.php
AHTMLText.php in AHTMLText.php
Page AImage.php
AImage.php in AImage.php
Page ALineEdit.php
ALineEdit.php in ALineEdit.php
Page ALoginWidget.php
ALoginWidget.php in ALoginWidget.php
Page AParagraph.php
AParagraph.php in AParagraph.php
Page APushButton.php
APushButton.php in APushButton.php
Page ASortableList.php
ASortableList.php in ASortableList.php
Page ATableCell.php
ATableCell.php in ATableCell.php
Page ATextEdit.php
ATextEdit.php in ATextEdit.php
Page AWindow.php
AWindow.php in AWindow.php
Method buildLayout
ATableCell::buildLayout() in ATableCell.php
Builds the layout for the table cell. Override this method if you don't want an AElementLayout.
Variable $code
AValidatorViolation::$code in AValidatorViolation.php
Variable $col
AGridLayout::$col in AGridLayout.php
Variable $connectionID
AConnection::$connectionID in AConnection.php
Variable $connections
AConnectionRegistry::$connections in AConnectionRegistry.php
Variable $connectionType
AConnection::$connectionType in AConnection.php
Method clear
AConnection::clear() in AConnection.php
Method clearAllConnections
Wipes out all connections. Dangerous!
Method clearConnections
Method clearConnections
AConnectionRegistry::clearConnections() in AConnectionRegistry.php
Method clearWidgets
Clears all child widgets
Method connect
Alia::connect() in Alia.php
Connects a slot (javascript, PHP, or both) to a signal.
Method convert
AJScript::convert() in AJScript.php
CRUD_CLASS in crudify.php
Constant CRUD_FILE
CRUD_FILE in crudify.php
CRUD_WIDGET in crudify.php
Page crudify.php
crudify.php in crudify.php
Variable $draggable
AWindow::$draggable in AWindow.php
Class DefaultLayout
DefaultLayout in DefaultLayout.php
Class DefaultWidget
DefaultWidget in DefaultWidget.php
Method defineSignal
Defines a signal that other objects my connect slots to.
DOCTRINE_PATH in crudify.php
Page DefaultLayout.php
DefaultLayout.php in DefaultLayout.php
Page DefaultWidget.php
DefaultWidget.php in DefaultWidget.php
Variable $editLayout
AEditableText::$editLayout in AEditableText.php
Variable $editWidget
AEditableText::$editWidget in AEditableText.php
Method emit
AObject::emit() in AObject.php
emit() - Emits a signal from this object to all connected slots
Method emit
AJScript::emit() in AJScript.php
generates javascript for emiting a signal from an object
Method encode
AJScriptEncoder::encode() in AJScriptEncoder.php
Variable $frontURL
AApplication::$frontURL in AApplication.php
Method formElementValue
Method generate
TableWidgetLayout::generate() in TableWidgetLayout.php
Method generate
TableWidget::generate() in TableWidget.php
Method generate
TableRowLayout::generate() in TableRowLayout.php
Method generate
DefaultWidget::generate() in DefaultWidget.php
Method generate
LayoutGenerator::generate() in LayoutGenerator.php
Method generate
WidgetGenerator::generate() in WidgetGenerator.php
Method generate
DefaultLayout::generate() in DefaultLayout.php
Method generateID
AConnectionRegistry::generateID() in AConnectionRegistry.php
Assigns an AObject a unique ID
Method generateID
AObjectRegistry::generateID() in AObjectRegistry.php
Assigns an AObject a unique ID
Method getAttribute
Enter description here...
Method getAttribute
AWidgetDecorator::getAttribute() in AWidgetDecorator.php
Enter description here...
Method getAttributeHTML
generates HTML for the main widget's attributes
Method getAttributes
AWidgetDecorator::getAttributes() in AWidgetDecorator.php
Method getAttributes
Method getCode
AValidatorViolation::getCode() in AValidatorViolation.php
Method getConnectionByID
AConnectionRegistry::getConnectionByID() in AConnectionRegistry.php
Method getConnectionID
Method getConnections
AConnectionRegistry::getConnections() in AConnectionRegistry.php
Method getFileContents
get the contents of a file
Method getFilePath
ALoader::getFilePath() in ALoader.php
returns the full path to the file
Method getFrontURL
AApplication::getFrontURL() in AApplication.php
returns the URL to the front controller
Method getHeaders
AApplication::getHeaders() in AApplication.php
returns the HTML necisarry for Alia's AJAX support
Method getInnerHTML
AHTMLElement::getInnerHTML() in AHTMLElement.php
returns the inner HTML
Method getJavascript
AConnection::getJavascript() in AConnection.php
Method getJScript
AValidator::getJScript() in AValidator.php
Returns the javascript that will validate based on registered validation rules
Method getJScript
AJScriptBuffer::getJScript() in AJScriptBuffer.php
Method getJScript
AValidatorRule::getJScript() in AValidatorRule.php
Generates the client-side validation javascript and returns it as a string
Method getKey
AValidatorRule::getKey() in AValidatorRule.php
Method getLayout
AWidget::getLayout() in AWidget.php
Method getLayout
AWidgetDecorator::getLayout() in AWidgetDecorator.php
Method getMainWidget
Method getMainWidget
Returns the main widget
Method getMainWidget
AApplication::getMainWidget() in AApplication.php
Method getMessage
AValidatorViolation::getMessage() in AValidatorViolation.php
Method getName
ASignalDefinition::getName() in ASignalDefinition.php
Method getObjectByID
AObjectRegistry::getObjectByID() in AObjectRegistry.php
Returns the object of id $id, if it exists.
Method getObjectID
AObject::getObjectID() in AObject.php
Method getObjects
AObjectRegistry::getObjects() in AObjectRegistry.php
returns an ArrayObject containing all AObjects
Method getOptions
AValidatorRule::getOptions() in AValidatorRule.php
Method getParameterCount
Function getPrimaryKey
getPrimaryKey() in crudify.php
returns the index for the primary key column
Method getRule
AValidatorViolation::getRule() in AValidatorViolation.php
Method getSignalName
AConnection::getSignalName() in AConnection.php
Method getSlotMethod
AConnection::getSlotMethod() in AConnection.php
Method getSource
AConnection::getSource() in AConnection.php
Method getTagName
AHTMLElement::getTagName() in AHTMLElement.php
returns the name of the tag
Method getTarget
AConnection::getTarget() in AConnection.php
Method getText
AHTMLText::getText() in AHTMLText.php
Method getText
ATableCell::getText() in ATableCell.php
Method getText
AEditableText::getText() in AEditableText.php
Method getTitle
AWindow::getTitle() in AWindow.php
Method getTypeName
AIntValidatorRule::getTypeName() in AIntValidatorRule.php
Returns the name of the rule type
Method getTypeName
AValidatorRule::getTypeName() in AValidatorRule.php
Method getTypeName
AStringValidatorRule::getTypeName() in AStringValidatorRule.php
Method getWidget
ALayout::getWidget() in ALayout.php
getWidget Returns one widget in the layout
Method getWidgets
ALayout::getWidgets() in ALayout.php
returns the children widget(s)
Method hasConnection
Returns true if there is a connection to a signal specified by $signalName
Function help
help() in crudify.php
Variable $IDCounter
AObjectRegistry::$IDCounter in AObjectRegistry.php
Variable $IDCounter
AConnectionRegistry::$IDCounter in AConnectionRegistry.php
Variable $innerHTML
AHTMLElement::$innerHTML in AHTMLElement.php
The inner html (if any)
Variable $instanceObject
AApplication::$instanceObject in AApplication.php
Variable $instanceObject
AObjectRegistry::$instanceObject in AObjectRegistry.php
Variable $instanceObject
AJScriptBuffer::$instanceObject in AJScriptBuffer.php
Variable $instanceObject
Variable $instanceObject
AConnectionRegistry::$instanceObject in AConnectionRegistry.php
Variable $interval
ATimer::$interval in ATimer.php
Milliseconds till timeout is emitted
Method includeFile
ALoader::includeFile() in ALoader.php
includes a file
Method includeFileOnce
includes a file once
Method instance
ASingletonInterface::instance() in ASingletonInterface.php
Method instance
AObjectRegistry::instance() in AObjectRegistry.php
returns the instance of the Alia object
Method instance
AJScriptBuffer::instance() in AJScriptBuffer.php
returns the instance of the javascript buffer
Method instance
ALoader::instance() in ALoader.php
returns the instance of the ALoader object
Method instance
AConnectionRegistry::instance() in AConnectionRegistry.php
returns the instance of the Alia object
Method instance
AApplication::instance() in AApplication.php
returns the instance of the AAplication object
Variable $javascript
AConnection::$javascript in AConnection.php
Variable $jscript
AJScriptBuffer::$jscript in AJScriptBuffer.php
Variable $libPath
ALoader::$libPath in ALoader.php
Class LayoutGenerator
LayoutGenerator in LayoutGenerator.php
LAYOUT_GENERATOR in crudify.php
Method loadClass
ALoader::loadClass() in ALoader.php
Method loadFront
Alia::loadFront() in Alia.php
loads the alia front code - essential for ajax funcitonality
Page LayoutGenerator.php
LayoutGenerator.php in LayoutGenerator.php
Variable $mainWidget
AWindow::$mainWidget in AWindow.php
Variable $mainWidget
AApplication::$mainWidget in AApplication.php
Variable $message
AValidatorViolation::$message in AValidatorViolation.php
Variable $mode
AEditableText::$mode in AEditableText.php
Variable $month
ACalendar::$month in ACalendar.php
Variable $months
ACalendar::$months in ACalendar.php
Variable $name
ASignalDefinition::$name in ASignalDefinition.php
Variable $objects
AObjectRegistry::$objects in AObjectRegistry.php
Method object
AJScript::object() in AJScript.php
Method output
AApplication::output() in AApplication.php
Variable $parameterCount
ASignalDefinition::$parameterCount in ASignalDefinition.php
Variable $paths
ALoader::$paths in ALoader.php
Class Constant PHP_CONNECION
AConnection::PHP_CONNECION in AConnection.php
Variable $replacements
ALoader::$replacements in ALoader.php
Variable $rows
AGridLayout::$rows in AGridLayout.php
Variable $rule
AValidatorViolation::$rule in AValidatorViolation.php
Variable $rules
AValidator::$rules in AValidator.php
Method redraw
AWidget::redraw() in AWidget.php
Method redraw
AWidgetDecorator::redraw() in AWidgetDecorator.php
Method render
AWidget::render() in AWidget.php
Method render
AWidgetDecorator::render() in AWidgetDecorator.php
Calls render on the child widget
Method render
ALineEdit::render() in ALineEdit.php
Method render
AParagraph::render() in AParagraph.php
Method render
ASingleWidgetLayout::render() in ASingleWidgetLayout.php
render Randers the widget
Method render
ASimpleLayout::render() in ASimpleLayout.php
Method render
ARenderableInterface::render() in ARenderableInterface.php
Method render
APushButton::render() in APushButton.php
Method render
ATextEdit::render() in ATextEdit.php
Method render
AWindowLayout::render() in AWindowLayout.php
Method render
AHTMLText::render() in AHTMLText.php
Method render
AHTMLLayout::render() in AHTMLLayout.php
Method render
AElementLayout::render() in AElementLayout.php
Method render
AGridLayout::render() in AGridLayout.php
Renders the
Method render
AHTMLElement::render() in AHTMLElement.php
set the event attributes, but only if we have a connection (save page weight)
Method render
AImage::render() in AImage.php
Method render
ACalendar::render() in ACalendar.php
Method render
ALayout::render() in ALayout.php
renders the widget, returns the output as a string
Method renderConnection
Method run
Alia::run() in Alia.php
Helper function to start the AApplication
Method run
AApplication::run() in AApplication.php
runs the application
Variable $separator
ASimpleLayout::$separator in ASimpleLayout.php
Variable $signalName
AConnection::$signalName in AConnection.php
The name of the signal connected to
Variable $singleshot
ATimer::$singleshot in ATimer.php
Whether the timer is singleshot or not.
Variable $sourceObject
AConnection::$sourceObject in AConnection.php
the source AObject
Method sendJScript
Sends javascript to the output buffer.
Method sendJScript
AValidator::sendJScript() in AValidator.php
Generates javascript validation code based off the added rules, and sends it to the javascript output buffer.
Method setAttribute
Enter description here...
Method setAttribute
AWidgetDecorator::setAttribute() in AWidgetDecorator.php
Enter description here...
Method setConnectionID
Method setFrontURL
AApplication::setFrontURL() in AApplication.php
Sets the url to alia's front controller
Method setInnerHTML
AHTMLElement::setInnerHTML() in AHTMLElement.php
sets the inner HTML
Method setInterval
ATimer::setInterval() in ATimer.php
sets the intervals between timeouts (in milliseconds)
Method setJavascript
AConnection::setJavascript() in AConnection.php
Method setLayout
AWidget::setLayout() in AWidget.php
Enter description here...
Method setLayout
AWidgetDecorator::setLayout() in AWidgetDecorator.php
Sets the layout on the child widget
Method setLibPath
ALoader::setLibPath() in ALoader.php
sets the path to the alia libray
Method setLibPath
Alia::setLibPath() in Alia.php
Sets the location of Alia's lib directory into the loader.
Method setMainWidget
AApplication::setMainWidget() in AApplication.php
Sets the main application widget.
Method setMainWidget
Method setMainWidget
Sets the main widget for the application
Method setObjectID
AWidgetDecorator::setObjectID() in AWidgetDecorator.php
Method setObjectID
AObject::setObjectID() in AObject.php
Method setObjectID
AWidget::setObjectID() in AWidget.php
Method setSeparator
ASimpleLayout::setSeparator() in ASimpleLayout.php
Method setSignalName
AConnection::setSignalName() in AConnection.php
Method setSingleShot
Sets whether the timer should repeat or just run once.
Method setTagName
AHTMLElement::setTagName() in AHTMLElement.php
Sets the name of the tag
Method setTarget
AConnection::setTarget() in AConnection.php
sets the target slot
Method setTemplateFile
Method setText
ATableCell::setText() in ATableCell.php
Method setText
AHTMLText::setText() in AHTMLText.php
Method setText
AEditableText::setText() in AEditableText.php
Method setTitle
AWindow::setTitle() in AWindow.php
Method setWidgets
ALayout::setWidgets() in ALayout.php
Method start
ATimer::start() in ATimer.php
Starts the timer
Method stop
ATimer::stop() in ATimer.php
stops the timer
Variable $tagName
AHTMLElement::$tagName in AHTMLElement.php
The name of the html tag
Variable $targetMethod
AConnection::$targetMethod in AConnection.php
the method to be exicuted when a signal is emitted
Variable $targetObject
AConnection::$targetObject in AConnection.php
The target object (the object with the slot)
Variable $templateFile
AHTMLLayout::$templateFile in AHTMLLayout.php
Variable $textLayout
AEditableText::$textLayout in AEditableText.php
Variable $textWidget
AEditableText::$textWidget in AEditableText.php
Variable $title
AWindow::$title in AWindow.php
Page TableRowLayout.php
TableRowLayout.php in TableRowLayout.php
Page TableWidgetLayout.php
TableWidgetLayout.php in TableWidgetLayout.php
Page TableWidget.php
TableWidget.php in TableWidget.php
Class TableRowLayout
TableRowLayout in TableRowLayout.php
Class TableWidget
TableWidget in TableWidget.php
Class TableWidgetLayout
TableWidgetLayout in TableWidgetLayout.php
Method toggleDraggable
Method unsetObject
AObjectRegistry::unsetObject() in AObjectRegistry.php
Method updateDiv
AJScript::updateDiv() in AJScript.php
Variable $validator
ALoginWidget::$validator in ALoginWidget.php
Method validate
AValidatorRule::validate() in AValidatorRule.php
Method validate
AValidator::validate() in AValidator.php
Validate array of data
Method validate
AStringValidatorRule::validate() in AStringValidatorRule.php
Validates $value based on set options
Method validate
AIntValidatorRule::validate() in AIntValidatorRule.php
Validates $value based on the set options
Variable $webRoot
AConfig::$webRoot in AConfig.php
Variable $widget
ALayout::$widget in ALayout.php
The main widget this layout lays out
Page WidgetGenerator.php
WidgetGenerator.php in WidgetGenerator.php
Class WidgetGenerator
WidgetGenerator in WidgetGenerator.php
WIDGET_GENERATOR in crudify.php
Variable $_id
AValidatorRule::$_id in AValidatorRule.php
Variable $_key
AValidatorRule::$_key in AValidatorRule.php
Variable $_options
AValidatorRule::$_options in AValidatorRule.php
Variable $__attributes
AWidget::$__attributes in AWidget.php
The HTML attributes of the widget
Variable $__childWidget
AWidgetDecorator::$__childWidget in AWidgetDecorator.php
Variable $__connections
An array containing all connections to this object
Variable $__layout
AWidget::$__layout in AWidget.php
The widget's layout
Variable $__objectID
AObject::$__objectID in AObject.php
The unique ID of the object. This value is assigned by AObjectRegistry
Variable $__signalDefinitions
an array containing all signal deffinitions
Variable $__text
ATableCell::$__text in ATableCell.php
Variable $__text
AEditableText::$__text in AEditableText.php
Variable $__text
AHTMLText::$__text in AHTMLText.php
Variable $__widgets
ALayout::$__widgets in ALayout.php
Children widgets added to the layout
Method __call
AWidgetDecorator::__call() in AWidgetDecorator.php
Passes any method calls to the child widget
Method __construct
ATextEdit::__construct() in ATextEdit.php
Method __construct
ATableCell::__construct() in ATableCell.php
Method __construct
ASortableList::__construct() in ASortableList.php
Method __construct
AValidatorViolation::__construct() in AValidatorViolation.php
Method __construct
AWidget::__construct() in AWidget.php
* Methods **
Method __construct
AValidatorRule::__construct() in AValidatorRule.php
Method __construct
AValidator::__construct() in AValidator.php
Method __construct
ATimer::__construct() in ATimer.php
Method __construct
ASignalDefinition::__construct() in ASignalDefinition.php
Method __construct
AWidgetDecorator::__construct() in AWidgetDecorator.php
Method __construct
AApplication::__construct() in AApplication.php
constructs the Alia object
Method __construct
AHTMLElement::__construct() in AHTMLElement.php
Method __construct
AHTMLLayout::__construct() in AHTMLLayout.php
Method __construct
AHTMLText::__construct() in AHTMLText.php
Method __construct
AEditableText::__construct() in AEditableText.php
Method __construct
ADraggableWidget::__construct() in ADraggableWidget.php
Method __construct
ACalendar::__construct() in ACalendar.php
Method __construct
AConnection::__construct() in AConnection.php
Method __construct
AConnectionRegistry::__construct() in AConnectionRegistry.php
Method __construct
AImage::__construct() in AImage.php
Method __construct
AJScriptBuffer::__construct() in AJScriptBuffer.php
Method __construct
AWindow::__construct() in AWindow.php
Method __construct
AObjectRegistry::__construct() in AObjectRegistry.php
Method __construct
AParagraph::__construct() in AParagraph.php
Method __construct
AObject::__construct() in AObject.php
Method __construct
ALoginWidget::__construct() in ALoginWidget.php
Method __construct
ALayout::__construct() in ALayout.php
Method __construct
ALineEdit::__construct() in ALineEdit.php
Method __construct
APushButton::__construct() in APushButton.php
Method __hasSignalDefinition
a b c d e f g h i j l m n o p r s t u v w _